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Susan C
Wonderful! Maria is an excellent choice for your massage and overall well being.She is compassionate and truly dedicated to providing you with an excellent massage experience.
Barbara H
Best of the Best Maria is the best massage therapists I’ve ever had. I see her regularly and always leave feeling relaxed and rejuvenated. I love how she works her Reiki magic into the massage. Nothing better or even close.
Burr S
Messages GREAT Regular deep muscle massages keeps me moving. Could not life without Maria’s great work.
Elaine D
5 star Maria is an excellent massage therapist. She is concerned about your individual needs and asks where the massage is most needed. She also is aware of new techniques in the massage industry and offers them if yoou would like to try them. I have loved these new entitities!! Maria is AWESOME!!
Sheila F
You're the Best! Thank you for all that you have done for me! How many years have I been seeing you? I treasure each session!
Burr S
Massage Great services that have me recovering from various surgeries!
Margaret G
For Great Massages and Healing Maria has gotten everything right, down to every detail. She makes you feel comfortable and like you are the most important person in the world. She targets your needs and is most knowledgeable in anatomy.
Chris B
Amazing Massage Master! What can I say about Maria! She is utterly amazing! I have been seeing Maria for over 7 years now and she knows my body and I always leave her massage feeling refreshed and wonderful! The next day I feel like a different person! I hope to keep her as my massage Master for years to come! Treat yourself to something really special! See Maria and experience what it feels like to have all your aches, pains while also feeling refreshed and relaxed! I so look forward to my sessions with my Massage Master and so will you! Chris B :)
Tanya B
Maria is Wonderful!! Maria is wonderful!!..down to earth..great energy!!.believes in what she does...great personality!!...Gives the best Massage!! Maria is the whole package!!
Francesco D
Excellent Care I get a massage every month and always leave feeling great. I highly recommend her services.
Teresa E.
Wonderful I've been receiving massage from Maria for many years! That says it all, doesn't it? She is expert and always seems to know just what I need at each appointment. Thanks, Maria!
Great Massage Just had 1st massage here the other day. Will be back regularly. Great massage.
Esta C
MARIA: MIRACLE MASSAGE I’ve been receiving regular message treatments for 6 years. Maria’s holistic approach to her clients can be life-changing as it has been for me. The benefits are not only physical (relieving pain, achieving relaxation) but also mental (positive and affirming). Massage with Maria is life-affirming and essential.
Angela D
You Must Treat Yourself Maria ‘s Holistic Healing is the best and only place I will go for a massage. Maria is a very skilled massage therapist . The environment itself will bring tears to your eyes and help you feel the Total Serenity of the experience. The soothing music, the aromatherapy. The great consultation and amazing touch is Maria. Please be kind to yourself and schedule an appointment . 💜
Lorrie C
Compassionate and attentive I've been seeing Maria for my massage needs for over 5 years, after searching for awaile for someone I was comfortable with who listened to me. That is Maria...always does exactly what I need, even if I didn't realize I need it. Best around!
Dawn C
Excellent Massage and Healing Seeing Maria helped me address anxiety and relax deeply. Her massage techniques are excellent and she finds the right amount of pressure to relieve muscle tension and soreness while still remaining enjoyable to each individual client- my husband likes really intense pressure, where I like more subtle pressure and she just knows what we need. Her energy healing work really helped me break through issues with anxiety on a mental and spiritual level.